PRP for Hair, Beard + Eyebrow Restoration

Hair loss and thinning is a prime concern for many men and women these days – whether it is genetic, due to stress, bad haircare or any medical condition.

Who Benefits from PRP for Hair Restoration?

Men with androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness), the hereditary hair thinning across the top of the scalp or seen in receding hairlines. It is most effective in the early stages of balding or if there is ample miniaturized hair on the scalp.

Women at all stages of hair loss as well as traction alopecia, hair thinning caused by too tight ponytails, braids, and other styles that pull the hair out.

Thinning hair - makes existing thinning hair thicker by strengthening the hair follicles and boosting the number of hair strands from each follicle.

Hypotrichosis, a condition which is characterized by fine or reduced hairs in the eyebrows or beard.

Metabolic causes of hair loss, resulting from iron deficiency and medication-induced hair loss.

Platelet-dense PRP activates stem cells as well countless growth factors. These vascular, endothelial and connective tissue growth factors, combined with other components called cytokines, contribute to the stimulation of dormant hair follicles and contributes to the thickening of thinning hair follicles. And interestingly enough, new hair growth is generally that of its native hair colour rather than grey!

The PRP Administration Process and Recovery

Once harvested, PRP is injected through multiple tiny punctures into the scalp, eyebrow or beard, with or without topical local anesthesia. Minimal swelling of the forehead is occasionally seen 4-6 hours after PRP injections and generally resolves in 48 hours.

Recovery is minimal. Pain is easily managed with analgesics such as Tylenol. Avoidance of rigorous activity is recommended until the swelling disappears.

New growth can be seen as early as 2 months, but is more evident between 5-8 months and will continue to be noticed up to a year post treatment.